Meeting with Chisinau city mayor Mr.Urecean Meeting with Chisinau city mayor Mr.Urecean(a) Meeting with Chisinau city mayor Mr.Urecean(b) Meeting with Chisinau city mayor Mr.Urecean(c) Meeting with President of Olimpic Commity of Moldova Mr.Nikolai Zhuravski Meeting with Rector of Moldova National Universitet of Sport Culture. Thanks to Mr.Kwon Mr.Manolaci was in Korea in October 2003 In front of Monument to Lord of Moldova
with famouse TV star and Miss Moldova With director of State Enterprise Quality Wines Industrial Complex "Milestii Mici" - With Liubomir Iorga - the national artist of Moldova Don Iorga - the person of natural gifts Don Iorga is keeping flag of Chungju city which he brought from Korea in his working place The mayor of Ialoveni who was in Korea 3 times already is proud with plate of Honorable citizenship of Chungju city of Korea After meeting with stuff of Ialoveni city-holl
in Mr. Mayor's office in city-holl Don Iorga plays music for Mr.Kwon In Soung at Trynta national tournament Korean delegation was as honorable jurry It was Moldova only national tournament Taekwon do prasentation in Trynta tournament opening ceremony Mr.Kwon have many friend in Moldova, who came early morning to Chisineu airport to say "by" to Mr.Kwon and all delegation


Посещение Молдовы. Декабрь 2003г.
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